Jun 29Liked by Anti Communist


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Why do I feel like moving to Bulgaria?

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One other thing. We went out dancing this evening. Finally found a solid babysitter in our building. Had sushi, then this nightclub. Christine and I are not super fond of such places, Tereza loves to dance. Pregnant, or not. The women are very dressed up here, but not snotty at all. Tereza can't drink, so to be nice I promised her I wouldn't. But, just for practice, while Christine and Tereza were out on the floor, I asked two pretty, young ladies if I could buy them a drink (I practiced the Bulgarian!). The fake blond smiled at me, "Da, molya, blagodarya." Something like that! "Yes please, thank you." Two, cold, vodka shots. I had no drink (which is like illegal! This ain't Russia, but Bulgarians can drink!), in Bulgarian, "Are you man who does not drink?" "I do, a little. But one of my wives is pregnant, that's her out there dancing, with my original wife!"

The dark haired girl is laughing, the blond open hand hits me! "Is this a comedy for TV show?" "No, we are always looking for new wives! Did you get the vaccine?" "This is joke, right? No, that is poison!" I whispered in to her ear, "you are smart and pretty. Will you come dance?" "DA, DA, DA! Many married men lie to me, tell me single. You, show me wives! I like you!"

They left early, unfortunately! Bar hopping. But I got her number...

My point is, they do not hate men. They expect men, to approach them, make them laugh, buy them things, and fuck them hard. I am OK with those rules, that is how I grew up. The women are very pleasant here. That's the word. I never have felt one wanted to kill me for having a dick. Not yet, anyway!

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I have a solid and lucky run of nice Moms! Women like to see a man who can hold a little girl, and then pin their arms back! All the heavy weights are paying off! Think, despite not really riding, and running only short, 3-6 mile bursts, am in the best shape I have been in since 2010! The food the girls cook is high quality, I am constantly doing something, and now, very tan (about as tan as an Aryan can get!). But, almost every young Mom here, will talk to me! High trust society.

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It was just an Idea that seemed to be quite delectable at the time, 15 yrs ago.. I'm probably too old and poor now, to ever get married, let alone to ever get laid again, but it is so nice to have the memories!😉👍😋

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Anti Communist

I had dreams of marrying these two sisters I was seeing once upon a time in Indonesia, but unfortunately, it never came to fruition, but It was fun while it lasted!

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Marry your own kind Brother. SE Asian women are pretty, but best not to have mixed children!!

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If you know of any available good looking, uninjected, Rich, Sugar Mamas that might be interested in an old dude like me, send them my way!😉🙏🙏🙏🙌🤍 Blessing to you and your family.

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Jun 28Liked by Anti Communist

Living the dream! No doubt losing subscribers due to jealousy. Heil!

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I hope to inspire my Brothers. White Men need to build each other up.

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Jun 28Liked by Anti Communist

I love seeing your life for a moment through your writings, I can't speak for everyone, but I think many Men who've been happily married for decades would love to sample your new lifestyle. Without consequences, of course. Heil!

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Thank you for the feedback! Had this happened ten years ago, Christine would divorce me! Her loss of the ability to reproduce, the drop in White births, and my depression last year, changed her mind. She doesn't even flinch now. I'm still in awe. Swedes make great wives if you find an old fashioned one. Very stoic. Little drama.

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