Rule #1 : if they want it, give it...whenever and however you can, in a civilized setting of course (!). Or someone else will! It's a wonderful thing , that my Ladies "glow" lol...But, you probably know this : when some woman senses the man's "glow", well, it's almost as good as "women talk", if you know what I mean ;-)~ My Dad was *very* prolific! I am the eldest, but I have many half-brothers, the Male gene runs strong in our Family...He was/is (?) a real STUD, on the battlefield, and back in the States. Haven't heard from him in years. But he was/is a real tough dude. Went west years ago. He left me with a good chin-scar during a fight we got into when I was about 18. He could fight better than anyone I've *ever* fought with, and that's saying a lot! But I digress, as usual. Sure, as long as a church service is dignified, and not too long, I'm okay with it (Mass!, no bible-pounding or guitar strumming-UGH!!). I appreciate ya, Commander. Can't wait till you hit all *three* at one go!! (Hana, ya know?). Bastard! LOL BGood, Bruder \0 14 !

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I never had a wife, let alone two horny ones, ya bastard! 😉😋

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