Some written work can have a very positive effect on the reader.


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Jun 14Liked by Anti Communist

You are a very fortunate Man, indeed, Commander, as is your Dear Lady. This f*cked-up , degenerate , "agglomeration" of mutts in Murkuh, 2.0 -post-civilization- does nothing but produce a total malaise on our youth...and the current "trends" are so far beyond the weird sixties "crazes", it's unfathomable! We have a very, very WEIRD society that we're trapped in now...so many reasons, it's not worth even going into...but, yes, as Uncle Adolph (bless His Soul!) wrote, "anytime you burst the festering boil, underneath, always-there is-the Jew!" *That*, and the most POTENT weapon EVER devised against Our People : the poison, the very slow-acting poison, of Christianity. Don't misunderstand me on that, as I, too, largely enjoyed my time at a Catholic mass sometimes, as it was ORDERLY, and above all, DIGNIFIED !...No Bible-thumping, yelling, all the crazy shit in so many Southern churches. I've been to everything except a Mosque or "Synagogue Of Satan" (it's in PLAIN writing, right in Revelations, for Chrissake!!). Too much, I do ramble...But my Dear Lady and I are coming up on 24 years together. She grabbed ME by the hand, and never let go. And this is a Lady that, literally, could have had anyone! We're both "hot-natured", so we have some pretty "intense" -discussions- at times, but never been violent, certainly not (!), either of us. And she is *very* good to me, always has been. Knows me better than I know myself! Haha, which is really helpful at times. Father's Day, Sunday...forgot about it until she reminded me, just a little while ago. I hope you guys have a wonderful trip, and (not sure, but *if* it's y'all's Anniversary, Happy Anniversary!!) y'all have a great time! (BTW, the weather pattern I saw yesterday is calling for intensely HOT weather in Bulgaria (either currently, or coming up?).

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Jun 15Liked by Anti Communist

You a fellow southerner as well? Similar past, the two of us shares, it appears.

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Jun 15Liked by Anti Communist

Where are you from, Josh?

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Jun 15Liked by Anti Communist


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Jun 15Liked by Anti Communist


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I like that Uncle A quote, going to borrow from you! Happy Father's Day Brudder, and Wotan/God Bless on the long marriage. You nailed it, this has become a weird, mangled society. I woke up one day, and barely recognized the place! Apologies for the short responses. My sleep patterns are suffering as we bounce around.

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Jun 15Liked by Anti Communist

Happy Father's day to all of you as well!

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Jun 14Liked by Anti Communist

I apologize for neglecting this, but a VERY Happy Father's Day to you, as well, Commander, and thank you. Get some rest, Bruder!

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Christine and I honeymooned in Greece, a place she already knew well at 19 years old, in 1989! Being back here now, opens up the few emotions I think I have left. We had our whole lives to plan, and in between near non-stop fucking, we did just that! NONE of it went to plan. And yet, it was a great life. Far from perfection. So, I feel no nostalgia for what we planned, and some pain over the low-lights, but for the most part, we each chose very well for a spiritual and physical partner.

Find a woman who admires you. First, be a Man capable of being admired. That sometimes means standing in a bucket of liquid jew shit, up to your neck, but never compromising.

Tough times Brothers! The world, and at times even our own kind, have their hands around our throats. Which Way, Western Man?

Hail Victory. \o

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