Just because the national socialists in Germany were the only ones in recent history to oppose the jews, doesn't make it a good system. I don't like government at all, though i do realize that one or another will eventually arise in such a vacuum. I don't trust any politicians. None of them. Ever.

That said, NatSoc, were it to manifest, would be preferable to the system we have now, but it won't be long before tyranny rears its ugly head - just as with ANY government ever. I'd lean towards a Christian monarchy, those are easier to overthrow when the time comes.

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Also, National Socialists loved Bacon (Bauchspeck). You would have been goose stepping in no time!

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True, on both counts.

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Believe it worked with a very intelligent, hard working, high trust, non-exploitative group of people. EVERY form of human coupling, interaction, coalescing, from city to nation, does require some compromises. You look at what you give, and what you gain. Degenerates and lazy, soft, pleasure seeking people recoil in Horror when they are faced with National Socialism. Just as, White men, recoil in horror at whatever the fuck jew World has metastasized in to in America, 2024. But, there isn't a compromise, and Anarchy ain't exactly as easy as you might expect. In 2010 I hiked to 8000+ ft in Colorado, just to prove I could still primitive hike/camp and survive for 2 weeks. Wife said, "you will be home in 3 days!" I ate birds I killed with the feathers on, I was so damn hungry and cold by day 5! Lost a bunch of weight, did it, and said to myself, "never again!"

Society comes with certain advantages, being a specialist in killing birds doesn't mean I know how to prepare and cook them! Not much lived above the treeline in Colorado's winter! I sure could have used a few experts, in a camp we all built. I would have taken trees and chopped wood, while somebody better at building built a shelter. But if someone was there, strung out on heroin, watching porn on his iPhone, I would have ended that fast.

NatSoc separated those with pride, courage and ability, from those without. VERY steep demarcations. I like that. \o

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Any society can thrive as long as its constituents agree on basic morality, culture and tradition, actual invasions not withstanding of course. We are indeed, tribal. It has always been thus. God even separated the Hebrews into distinct tribes within their culture.

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Jul 21Liked by Anti Communist

I love this one, Bruder, one of your best! The quotes regarding the "autodidact", I fully understand...I was told that's what I am, years ago. I am "eclectic", big-time, as well, but never lose my Foundations, despite a roaming of interests. What I am "good at", I excel. What I'm not interested in, I toss aside or flat-out refuse to do. I've got an IQ of 142, which ain't bad. But for me, yes, hands-on learning...and learning from others. And devour books of my interest. At one time I had a laundry room I converted into my "library". Approximately 300 hardbacks, about 200 softback books on the many shelves...Over the course of time, I donated, loaned, or lost most of them. But certain books, I always kept close, and still have (Mein Kampf, Manheim, 1943 edition-best one, by far!) or, if lost, ordered them from reputable book dealers. I never liked math much-in 7th grade, I didn't do one thing for that horrible, big-nosed asshole jew, Mr. Siple! Fuck him, was my feeling about it, plus, math was never my "strong suit". History, ROTC, football, track, German Language Studies...English was pretty easy, as I could always write, read, and speak well enough, without the stupid "breaking down the sentence" into "vowels, nouns, blah, blah", to ace all exams and tests...WTH? Ridiculous, at least to me. But you did well for yourself and your Family, Commander-that's all that matters-period (!). I think it's great for you to have had such an Extraordinary Lady by your side for so long (keeping your ass "in formation"! LOL) .I was always a manual laborer, steel-worker, landscaper, manager, supervisor, team leader, line leader, soldier, stocker, forklift driver. No interest in school after even the 4th grade (!), as downisaway, in the Deep Dark South, it was pretty damn chaotic, even back then-trying to "learn", was really learning to SURVIVE against hordes of negroes trying to push us around all the time...I utterly *hated* it, truthfully. My Family really taught me much more than any "Public Fools'" did, in most things. My Mother (a real "hell-cat", they call her, til this day!), she taught me, when I was 6, with matchsticks on a piece of paper, that she drew a map on, how and why The Confederacy lost to the Invaders of the north. I hope you all aren't hit by that monster storm over there(!)...heard it's a bad one. Have to go, and I've rambled way too much-and me Grand Dottir is harassing me LOL. Not a bad thing at all, aye? Well wishes to you and yours, Bruder, and Father of a *SON*, soon to be! \014!!

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

The South, Will Rise Again. What was done by the faggot Lincoln, was more deleterious to the US Constitution than anything, by anyone since. Like you, certain "subjects" in school zoned me right the fuck out! I wanted to ONLY discuss the decay rates of thermal neutrons, and deuterium, since I was reading Enrico Fermi! My teachers suppressed both my inquisitive mind, and my masculinity. I'm lucky though, had a Dad who did neither!

Weather here has been pretty nice! Some thunderstorms, but mostly high 80's, sunny, with lots and lots of nude European women, all around me! Rough life! \o

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Great life Brother Ivar, most importantly, it was great for YOU! So many of us were early manipulated in to living our lives fully to support some exploitative “ideal.”

One of the things i loved about the early economic programs is the only real requirement for work was to do something that benefited the Nation, and your fellow Whites in the Nation. Did not have to be fancy, or become some giant Industrialist, you just had to contribute, doing something you excelled in, trained in, and enjoyed! No wonder they became the fastest growing economy in the World.

Appreciate you sharing. I’m a bit envious, I left Dell BECAUSE they promoted in to a role I had no interest in. I should have done that more often. I always preferred just being the lowly Product Manager, not the Director or VP of a group. I like to see products we theorized, get developed, and the customers thank us for building them! I should have just done that. Anyway, it is when we reach our ages, we can look back with hindsight, and hopefully our analysis of what worked, what didn’t, can help some 17-18 year old White Man, decide how he should live.

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Jul 22Liked by Anti Communist

Exactly : the whole point was teaching my Children what is *important*, *NOT* what the jew-box says! My Beloved Son, he has a Viking Brood of three boys now, and the most outstanding Wife a Man could want. When he was fifteen, I introduced to him the Ways of Our Ancestors...he ran with it, and now knows more about it than *I* do (!). "Proud" doesn't come close, ; a deep sense of loving satisfaction that when I perish, I will know I did at least that one, most important thing in my Lifetime. I Truly share your happiness, Bruder. And you tell your beautiful, badass Swede Lady, Ivar very much appreciates the link-AND keeping her Knight "in line" lol!.

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Son sounds great, Dad built him well!! My wife is a badass with a nice ass! But, she has rarely laid the law down with me, so when she does, I listen a bit!!

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It is Well past time to start pushing back on commies, every way, every place, every time.

They have nearly destroyed society.

They are at war with us

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The first push, is calling them jews! \o

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Much more on Catholic Church condemnation on Vatican website, this website

Just one of several Papal condemnations of Communism


After 1958, commies took over Vatican, thus 100% turn.

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SSPX...Bravo! I wish there were some here. I'd go to Mass then!

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God bless.

I just could never go to Roncalli “mass”


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Interesting. Again, to clarify, I care nothing about a Man’s religion when he names the jew, and fights the jew. If the Man is Japanese, Lebanese, or Persian, I care nothing about his Race either. Natural allies.

Every problem, from the inception of Karl Mordecai Marx, the rabbi’s son, to now, is jewish. They want us dead, I think we should be pre-emptive. I will fight with any creed, to beat them.

You are the first militant Catholic really to ever interact with me, so I am heartened to hear there is a ballsy element left. White Unity. Race first. You can change a religion, not your Race.

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