What is a nagger?

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If you replace the “a” with an “i,” becomes readily apparent! I like my account, last account I own!

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Derp lol. Yeah, I think the Greece location threw me. Oh, and the fact that my wife nags the crap out of me.

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There is only one way to completely silence a nagging wife!!!! Or, two nagging wives!!!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Anti Communist

Not that long ago I remember Greece had the right-wing Golden Dawn party which featured a meander, resemblance to a swastika, as their logo and flag. They were vilified as neo-nazis because they took a nativist stance toward immigration. Their downfall was swift when a member of the party was linked to the murder of a some leftist rapper/dj. In short order, the whole party was outlawed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Dawn_(Greece)

Your link to the article on Lesbos shows the immigration situation has only gotten worse. The local govt has erected a sea fence to keep the boats from Turkey out. Glad to see the natives are angry, not listless.

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Always cracks me up when jews portray our guys as the bad guys, basically by stating they hate faggots and jews. Yeah, I recalled the Colonels coup properly.

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Have not had much chance to chat with any of the Greeks just yet, but if can extend our stay a few days, might have time. You are correct, the Greeks have had enough of this bullshit, and generationally experienced in repelling darker invaders. Still, the supra-nationals own all of our governments. There is nobody, in any nation, with substantial White people, who is on our side. All, completely controlled, or they wouldn't be there.

The world we knew and loved, is being replaced.

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I recall them as well. Gladio Op. A group of “colonels” had a coup, and did some real good. Must have been demoralizing when they quickly disappeared or were killed.

That’s how they break people. They gave the Greek people hope. And then, whammo, Iron Curtain slammed back down. Neighboring Bulgaria was Communist at that time.

I live in an odd part of the world, always sitting on the Tectonic Plates of huge ideologies, all of it controlled.

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Jun 12Liked by Anti Communist

Gladio...mm-hmm. I had no idea what I'd gotten into back in '93. Was young and dumb, wanted to make a fortune for my (EX!) wife and two children. I'd known about that particular op way before then, but it never occured to me that I might have been just used, and my comrades, as a weapon to further the aims of "whomever"...I know that, at least among Southern European peoples, the Greeks ARE Truly patriotic, and are damn sick of all the "MY-GRANTS" flooding into Europe through that very stupid "Schengen" thing (UGH!-IDIOTS!!). Especially coming from the vile Turks (whom I loathe!!). I am, though, very happy for you guys to be able to have such a nice and wonderful vacation together.Hope no boatload of chimps raid the islands while you're there! Never been to Greece, but I do know that the Adriatic is my most fond memory. I do recommend Split. VERY beautiful place! (as I recollect, you did say you went there?)...At least when I went there, three times...on the flight in, then in R&R (with a GODDESS Dalmatian nurse!...fuck the surgery, SHE helped me get back "alive" and well enough to go back to the Front!), and then my flight back to Schiphol. Poor Tereza is awaiting you, Commander-don't leave Wifey#2 alone for too long! And give Hana a big, long tight hug from me lol! ;-) (that will be your "excuse" haha). Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler...Mighty MEN who shaped every part of the world we live in now. And, I assure you : before you and I are beyond our Lives-End, the "pendulum" WILL swing back...HARD, this time!! And this time, NO QUARTER!! Yall have fun, Soldier! \0 14!!

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Very interested in what the hell went on in Serbia, during the UN murder of so many Christians in that region. It's an interesting part of the world, I haven't properly explored. Tereza is gonna get it good! She's been a good girl though, or so she says!!🔥🔥

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Jun 13Liked by Anti Communist

I'd written up a pretty lengthy rely regarding the dissolution of Jugoslavia, maybe yesterday...but, of course, it "vanished" (!?). But, my Crew went there because the Bosniaks back-stabbed the Hrvatski (Croats) in Bosnia when they were under so much pressure from the Srpski (Serbs), and called on their (EVIL!) Turk "brothers". At the time, the Hrvatski and Bosniaks had formed a loose alliance to mutually fight the Srpski forces, who were pushing them on all fronts there-and in parts of Croatia (Vukovar was an unforgivable disaster for Croatia!) ! When the Jihadis (Hajjis) began flooding in from all kinds of Muslim countries, the Bosnian "govt" turned on them... the Hrvatski were on their back heel, really getting brutally pushed into little enclaves. Mutual massacres, etc, (you know the rest of that, I hate talking about it). The Ustashe came back to Life, so then we went. Held the line in some *very* narrow and highly violent places. The fright of the many civilians caught up in this mess was something that haunts me-always. All of them, no matter what their "religion", all three suffered terribly. These were people who went to school together, played football (soccer) together, served in the Army together, were friends before radicalization by hardliners. After my fourth (!) wound/injury, after recovery in Split (with my Angel-bless her Soul!), I was assigned to bodyguard detail with our CO. I got the chance to work closely with our S2. I know that a "ceasefire" is nothing more than exchanging of bodies, repositioning, refitting, rearming,

(very) temporary rest. The CO, we, would go to visit with the local CO of whomever it was at the time, have some Slovicsia, pass the time. They'd discuss the guys they lost, who got wounded, old times together. Then, we'd go back at it! It was a very strange thing to my 24 year-old mind (!). However, the line WAS HELD! I got sent back after yet ANOTHER concussion, in which my best Friend, a young German kid (17), our translator, got killed, right in front of me. Basically I lived because he caught the shrapnel...That's when I lost it, came back to the States. Okay-I apologize, that was way too much, Commander...Your question on Sprska . (getting summoned by Paige : Hot-Shot #2!-I'll get back to you later. Hope you guys are having a wonderful time!)

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Brother Ivar, that was very helpful, and always thrilled to hear my boyhood faves, the Ustase, still survive! My Father was a big fan as well, as was my Grandfather. Men who fought after the 3rd Reich collapsed, as did all the remaining, brave, German and French troops still in Berlin, to protect the Fuhrer.

You sure served in an interesting, and complex period. \o

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