My entire goal right now is to marry this 18 year old redhead and convert her to folkism. It is going well.

Perhaps when I am your age (I'm 27) I will be ready for more! Ha! Enjoy it while it lasts old man, and keep trucking. I hope you are building connections with racialist young men offline - many need to hear these words: be a man!

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I honestly wish you good hunting Aidan, and I hope she brings you happiness. One woman is more than enough, but I think Christine realized we did not have enough children, and if there is one advantage we have over these Commie dogs, it is we are pro-natalist, they are not.

Last few years I made friends with many “kids” your age, in our communities. Funded and supported a few, but I will admit, I went in to a bit of isolation for a few years, as my own life got a bit dark. Convid was not good for me, or anyone who generally wished well for the world. It was such an obvious hoax to me from the onset, it black pilled me vis a vis the stupidity of many of our own Volk. Between the Christian Zionists, and the pro-jab crowd, The White Race, and America seemed gone to me. I curled up in to a tight ball. Works for armadillos! I need to do more. I’m all caught up in women ATM, and there are more important things. Anyway, hail! Always appreciate hearing about one of us, doing well!

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May 21·edited May 21Author

Bit of a long day, one I am happy is now in the rear view mirror! We just walked back to Tereza's Mom's apartment, a healthy walk! People here dress well, I could easily live in Prague and Varna, for the rest of my life, and be very happy with the contrasts. Kind of nice to be in a large city too, not just a beach resort.

The "Girls" are getting ready to go out again to dinner, and her Mom selected what appears to be a wonderful place to relax. Spoke with my wife Christine, who is going insane watching two kids, and dealing with all the rumors swirling in our gossipy building, and yoga studio! My little, future adopted son, is being a good boy, by breaking many little things in the house my wife only thought she loved! :-)

Showered with Tereza, and her Mom knocked on the door. "Be right out Mom." Thought for sure she was going to walk right in, and I would have washed her hair as well, as I bent her over the pretty cool faucets!

"My Mom really likes you, she is going to apologize for being rude to you this morning. She went through a really painful divorce, so try to understand her. She just wants her grandchildren safe, well cared for, and close to her. She's mad at me, Jan's family is going to fight us all the way on custody, and my past, my family's past, has many skeletons in it. Do you want to hear about a few of them? I lost my virginity VERY young. And I want to tell you, let go of some things. I hate secrets."

"Tereza, I like your Mom. Glad to hear she is unjabbed, and fights for what she wants. PLEASE do not tell me about what happened to you. You turned out to be a beautiful person, and I love you. If you tell me some man did things to you, I will pay someone to fix that asshole. And, well, that's not a good thing for any of us. So, some secrets, we must keep. I have a few as well, more about my father and uncle, than anything sexual."

She looks adorable with her hair covering her face, soaking wet, on her tippie toes, trying to hug and kiss me. Hahahaha, I picked on her, "You know, Christine being taller, she can kiss me without me needing to bend down!" "Shut up Commander Asshole, she fucks you once a week, I fuck you twice a day!"

"Yes, you win midget! Let's save my second for this evening. I'm looking forward to dinner, and getting your Mom a bit tipsy again!" "My Mom can drink you under the table! Stop talking about alcohol damn it, I can't drink! I want our baby to be so healthy, like his Dad."

Love is forged, just like steel. It takes on a burnished glow after some heat is applied. I love Tereza. Always teasing her though, "What if I get your Mom drunk, and she wants a threesome?" "You see where I live, right? You think I haven't had a threesome with Mom already?"

Aw jeez! Tereza does not experience sexual shame at all! Really pretty unique, in my admittedly Cloistered life!

"Are you saying you were in a bed, with a Man, and your Mom, previously?" "I thought you did not want me telling you my secrets, Commander Asshole? If you really want to know, yes, I have. And, if you seduce my Mom tonight, I will high five you! The old crow hasn't had a dick in her in a decade, but I KNOW, she would like yours!"

Whamen. Tereza shared with me, a few times now, that she likes sex more than I do. She further shared many of her friends complain their husbands and boyfriends, give them too little. The exact opposite of what the jew media pushed on their jew TV and jew magazines. Married men were told, in the 1950's, women needed very little sex, just enough to have their 2.5 kids. Bullshit. I love that Tereza is such a great communicator, and feels confident and secure enough, to tell me, and Christine, everything. it is liberating, and Libertine!

"Do you want me to call Christine (she now calls her sister wife, "Blondy!") and get you a pass to take off my Mom's panties, I mean, if she even wears any this evening?"

Contemplative, indeed. "I want Christine to approve of procreation. I want a pass with Hana." "I hate her, I will kill you both." "OK, Mom it is!"

Almost 6 PM, they are in trying on clothes! "The Czech Process" I guess! Always waiting for women to get dressed, because they are fun to undress. There is that moment, when a pretty woman yields to you as a man. Her legs splayed open, her eyes closed, her lips parsed. God made that moment important, and it should be difficult to obtain. Some effort should go in to it. We are White men, we do difficult things. We get rewards.

Hail Victory! I hope Tereza's mom is just as loud as her daughter.

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May 21Liked by Anti Communist

I’ve been re-reading Anthony Ludovici’s recommendation that modern right-wing men need to take concubines, in the context of your journey.

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May 21·edited May 21Author

Crypto! I read something from Ludovici, but I was too young to appreciate it. Think my Dad had some of his books. Going to re-visit! Thank you. Any recommendation on which book first?

OMG, what a Night we just had! I may not sleep for another week! Tereza's folks on both sides were aristocracy, and they approach reproduction and sexual fun as two different species. Think I have been a wee bit too prescriptive! I am trying to write about what just happened, but I am a bit drunk, on wine, and other ambrosial (feminine) treats. They are a fun family, with almost no sexual hangups.

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May 21Liked by Anti Communist

Pretty incredible dad you had. I had to start from scratch more or less, except for him being a working class anti-communist. No books at all, though.

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People I know who have risen the highest, started out the humblest. No shame in that, your Dad had the right stuff, and so do you. \o

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May 21Liked by Anti Communist


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May 21Liked by Anti Communist

That’s the spirit!

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You helped me see it for what it is, OUR PEOPLE screaming to thrive! Hail Brudder! Damn, her Mom is cute. \o

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deletedMay 21Liked by Anti Communist
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May 21·edited May 21Author

Brother Todd, complete understanding not only of the diminution of The Western Thot, but also how many more hours you are working as a near digital slave employee, a Father, and then, a Husband. Had some periods where I too, when my daughter was born, got a bit out of shape, as the hours and stress took a toll.

And, yes, sex just becomes less fun as both the woman ages, and you have tried every permutation of body angles, and upside down!

Here's the hard part. Get in shape. For you. For The Race. Your wife will appreciate it, and if not, well, you got options! This "Judeo/Weak Christian" shit with the man always at financial and legal peril, as he works ever harder to afford the Porsche and 5000+ sq ft house, is a jew death sentence on us. Might be their idea of paradise, but it leads to resentments, divorce, and big lawyer fees. Gee, who are all the top divorce lawyers? "Thanks for only charging me $400k Schlomo, what a great lawyer you were! I am going to enjoy my one bedroom apartment, while my ex-wife fucks her golf instructor in my old house!" We have to burn that shit, down. It is not making White People happy, and is promulgated like some real toxic gas, in everything we watch and read.

Middle age is tough for career driven White Men. Kids are 10, wife works out every day, you slog off for 14 hour days. She fucks the chad down the street, outside getting tan, or taking classes with her at the gym. They like virility and comfort, money, and muscles. It's work. Get up early, do 125 pushups, couple hundred various ab exercises. Keto, intermittent fasting. Will knock out some of the ill effects of the daily grind. Yeah, more shit to remember, I get that too. My wife could be burning in a kerosene fire, I am doing my fucking push=ups the second one foot hits the ground! Discipline, pisses off the jew. I literally think that when my arms are burning, and shaking. \o

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deletedMay 21Liked by Anti Communist
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May 21·edited May 21Author

Even with Christine, I am sure we each had moments where we formed our own escape plans. We had a lot of very boring, perfunctory sex the past 20 years. Solid plan for you, perhaps you can even keep the marriage much longer by having an exit plan she likes as well. Something that lets her know you still love her, but you both need and desire change. Man, I do hear ya. The roughest years for us were just after Apple, and I went to Dell in Austin. We had all she wanted. Money. House. Comfort. But all she talked about was missing her Mom back in Jacksonville, how I worked too many hours, and how she couldn't get pregnant. I got a bit out of shape there too, Dell was a meat grinder. I quit my job. For her. 100% for love. Took time off, went to Sony, barely worked, it was all travel, and I took her on those trips. I got in to really top condition, mostly trying to run as fast as her! Revived our marriage. Solidified it. AND, we made a lot of plans together. I could have risen at Dell, but instead I am still married, to a woman that felt bad she was not giving me enough kids, so she gave me more wives. I never asked her for that. I hope it works for ya man! if not, Romania! 100% Romania! Or, Moldova. Actually, Moldova is a bit more depressing financially ( a jew stole all their sovereign funds in 2013), but the women are ultra-conservative. You will not fuck one without a ring! I was very impressed, chaste women, and even poverty did not change that.

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