You inspire me to be better.

Thank you and,


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Jun 22Liked by Anti Communist

Waggener is out sur name.

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Jun 22Liked by Anti Communist

Yes, we do need our alcohol.

We’ve been drinking all day, and it’s been great.

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Hahahaha! I pretty much have stopped, just some good wine if it means I can nail a new one! I have a lot of women to service, and they do not accept "whiskey dick" as an excuse! Enjoy! It's early morning here, trying to psych myself up to run.

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I know a compounding pharmacist who can set you up for 4 days.

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Jun 22Liked by Anti Communist

Sieg Heil. Heil Hitler.

Fuck the kikes.

Extermination is the single answer.

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Well said! And, true!

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Jun 22Liked by Anti Communist

He was my friend.

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Great to know Brother. Think he lived in Houston, and I went to Rice. Doubt I would have associated directly with him, but he was my friend, and I learned much from him, albeit only virtually. ALL WHITE MEN need to put aside class, generations, and other divisions, and unite now. \o

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Jun 22Liked by Anti Communist

Also, he grew up in Tyler, so he was far from Houston. He lived his life in East Texas.

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We had a job offer in Tyler. Christine, forced me to say no, as it was a dry county! Swedes, like their alcohol!

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Jun 22Liked by Anti Communist

I will post his favorite filet recipe once I find it on my hard drive.

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Jun 22Liked by Anti Communist

He definitely loved cooking and country living.

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Jun 22Liked by Anti Communist

Yes, I’m 1/2 mile from Rice University now. He didn’t go to university though. He was high IQ but adverse to pubic education.

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Autodidactic. Self taught. Smartest people I know are! The Medical Center was a Nog killing field when i first attended! They cleaned it up quite a bit! it was nice "inside the hedges" though. That school nearly tossed me out. Same war, different locations!

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Anti Communist

Yes, autodidact learning is the best method.

I have learned more in 10 years of directed reading than in all my post graduate work which was a complete waste.

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Jun 22Liked by Anti Communist

A HAHAHA! Yes, still niggers everywhere here. The community is completely lost.

My dad has become subverted and believes most races are acceptable. Huge argument last night after many beers.

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I eventually said goodbye to the jabbed members of my family. Leaving me with one female cousin, who thought, “fuck yeah, White Power!” She lives about 5 miles from the East Palestine train derailment. Refuses to move. 93% White. \o

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