May 18Liked by Anti Communist

I like to understand the people I support as people, know the basics of their biography. Usually that includes knowing their names. In your case AC will suffice because at least it's not pretentious and doxing or other harassment is a real threat when a blogger is as forthright as you.

OK, so that photo of the graduate w/ the strong beard and handsome demeanor at Benedictine College is you at 21 or maybe later post army? I too graduated a Benedictine boarding prep school in Florida. But wasn't valedictorian. And I didn't go on to Catholic college, but to NYU, quite the culture shock. But it afforded an immersion in Jewish cultural approach in the late 60s (so tame by today's standards).

Having a frosty but beautiful Swede offering you babysitting for your love child w/ her sanctioned younger, horny bedmate is like living the impossible dream come true. I guess doing dozens of push ups w/ a woman on your back enables all kinds of miracles. I have hip arthritis and can only manage 15 girl push ups a day, no girl on back goes w/o saying. Am I envious? Momma mia! Who wouldn't be?

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May 18·edited May 18Author

Juice turmeric Brother!! Along with ginger, beets with greens on, and some green apples to kill the taste! All organic! You will be doing pushups with 90 pound women on your back in no time! 🙏Have included a few real pics in some posts. Perhaps even of a younger Christine. None of me. Been doxxed, it was/is a nightmare. Still harbor some aspirations of one more tech job as a product manager. But requires delicacy. I too like to know I'm reading a real human. That's why Donald Jeffries will always be my favorite author here. Oh, take some yoga. I recommend ashtanga. Not for sissies, and the views can be amazing. \o

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May 18·edited May 18Author

Tereza just woke up, I think it is 4 am in Serbia, one hour difference from Varna. She fell off the bed, it is much lower than ours back home. I picked her up, hugged her. She is so warm. "AC, I have to feed the baby, where is the baby?" "Christine is back home, you pumped milk, she will feed the baby. You can relax, sleep Angel." "Every time you call me Angel, I want you."

Every day! This woman is gonna kill me! Gave her a quickie! Then, I did pushups with her on my back! Got out about 40-50, but did not count. Waited 5 minutes, did 125 slow, regulation push ups. She watched me. She did five real pushups, another 20 girl pushups, and said, "not the exercise I want, get on the bed husband! Round 2!!!" Perhaps there was something in all the chemtrails we saw driving in to Serbia? Are all Czech women this horny? If so, I'm pissed I spent 35 years with a Swede!

She knows the route, her and her soon to be ex-husband, have driven it a few times, but instead of the shorter route through Romania, she insisted we go this way. Through Serbia and Slovenia!

"Angel, why did we take the long way? It adds like 4 hours and takes me through nations that do not like White Nationalists?" "I love being alone with you, I love you. I want this trip to last. To me, this is romantic" She's really a sweet woman, kind of a dream wife, to be honest. They both are, in different ways. I've lived with an Ice Cold Swede for soooooo long, I forgot some women have emotions!

"AC, after you make love to me again, I'm going to get a few more hours of sleep. Can you find a market with organic eggs, and coffee for when I wake up?" "No problem, was just looking at what opens early." "You are a good man, I promise you so much sex in my Mom's house!" "More than this?" "Way more." Blessed.

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