Thanks for your deeply personal reply. I did not expect that.

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Jun 26Liked by Anti Communist

What has been your most favorite post? I don’t blame you for leaving.

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Spaciba for the great query! I have no idea, I have actually never, not once, gone back to re-read a post, unless I noticed it had many errors, and I made a mental note to syntactically improve it.

I am going to figure out how to pull them down, archive them, and possibly reconstruct. I enjoyed the early posts about my Uncle Joe, an OSS member. He had a “Window cleaning business” in the Topanga Canyon area. That he somehow made a bundle from! Tie ins with Laurel Canyon. Uncle Joe dragged my Father in to his nightmares.

If I could discuss my Father’s ultimate demise, that would be my favorite. I have never quite been able to speak about it. Not to anyone, including my Wife.

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Farewell, brother

Thank you for your writings

Hail Victory


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Jun 25Liked by Anti Communist

Love your inspired white guy stuff. Thanks for shaking the timbers bro ✨

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Thank you Steve. Our folks all need to recall the strength and bravery of our ancestors. \o

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Jun 25Liked by Anti Communist

Damn. I really am a loss for words, Commander. I wasn't able to write on your last two posts : Grand Dottir for summer break, among other things. However, I will, nevertheless...it is a duty. You will be missed, very much....But, being a LRRP, your mission is to *ALWAYS* make it back! ;-) . Blessings to you and yours, Bruder, may your God and the Gods be with you all! \0 1488 !

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Ivar, Brudder, I'm s disappointed in the weaker members of Our White Tribe, I felt I could only further tear them down. If we fought and lost, so be it. But to lose our Nation and Nations with no shots fired? Disgusting. Hail. Perhaps our Volk will fight. I'd write about that!!!🙌🙏

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Jun 24Liked by Anti Communist

Hey, before you go, which is a choice, I hope. I know a lot of Americans are thinking what you publish. But the historical precedent has a firm grip on the ideology of isolation - ism.

The natural order of things do not coincide with what the spun narrative has been subjected upon all humanity.

Migration is a natural order, obviously nothing with a circulation and/or a respiratory, digestive & nervous system, would purposely stay where resources are scarce and their current climate is oppressive.

It's the manufactured narrative and made-up historical revelation "of", and perpetuation of "the illusion" of powerful individuals, that societies believe in or that "deserve" their positions, that which is unnatural. Would any intelligent human put a saltwater fish in freshwater tank? For example. Or to be more precise, a fox in the henhouse; invasive weeds in their own garden. It's two way street when it comes to the integration of anything. That being said, integration is only possible with "assimilation" from the different species or "races", that can become native or natural.

Therefore your perspective is natural, not so much antisemitic or whatever label being used as the entropy (weapon) of choice by humanity's Oppressors; in my opinion humanity or a species requires the security of sameness with the visual as well as the intellectual. The "environment" is ever changing but "adaptation" is constant. 😉

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The social aspects of the Internet have been meteoaxualized. There is vigorous masculine intellectualism also.

Gott mit uns.

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You are always welcome to visit and post on my Substack site anytime, thankyou for staying in touch. Excellent idea forming physical groups, me, I just chat as often as I can with people I meet and try to give them a heads up about things the way they really are if they are not clued up already, and sometimes I do get some interesting information in return, and I am sure that the effort is not all wasted, as some at least will think about what I have said, just as I retain and think on what others tell me, and in a way I learn even from those who are brainwashed by the Jew-controlled state as that lets me know more about what I need to be able to relate to them and others like them to help them recover their humanity and more of a spiritual orientation in life, as this life is a springboard to the next dimension.

Our souls are conscious forever, and what we do now influences the quality of our lives here and in the future and those of others in this life and the next.

Just today in the park, sitting reading a book, I was fascinated by a flying ant landing on my arm, and watched it moving around for a while, pondering on how it actually felt and what it was actually experiencing, and I sensed like a grid of fine subtle energy lines in a net-like structure that it was accustomed to seeing and experiencing in its own other-dimensional way that is coalesced with our vision of this world somehow, and a swami guru of mine who passed over to another dimension some years ago but who still sometimes communicates with me suddenly appeared in my mind and spoke with me, as he saw how I was concerned even for the insect and considerate towards it as an another eternal soul, not that I don't accidentally squash many others when walking through the grass sometimes of course.

Not everyone will listen to what you or I and many others like us have to say, many are still young souls in this world with no real breadth or depth of experience it seems and have not quite realized the test that is really set before them.

I wish you every success with your intention to build a group.

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Aye Brother. There are worlds other than this, and our actions or inactions reverberate through time. Or, instances. Still, here, in the present moment, I find myself overwhelmed by the mediocrity around me. Our people. Accepting. Tolerating. Comfort seeking. It disgusts me. I'm here just to be " in the company" of men like us. Aware. Ready and able to fight. Well, maybe none of us are. So, we type. Perhaps I'm mad at myself. More must be accomplished.

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Yes, when blatant Chabad Lubavitcher devotees like Putin and Trump are treacherously selling the human race right down the river by fanatically ‘opposing antisemitism’ and we are told how ‘popular’ they are, seemingly with paid or hypnotized or Jewish rigged audiences demonstrating that in ‘news’ report videos and polls, it really is very perverse indeed on some level, like a fundamentally different species is active there with a fundamentally different perception of reality, like these creatures who cannot actually be human are really highly aggressive parasitic tapeworm souls with the same mentality as tapeworms walking around in human skin suits to lead us all to destruction (typical parasitic Jewish invaders).

And then most people let this charade continue to get played out like they let the charade with Biden and his mask-wearing doubles continue to get played out even though everyone knew he never really won any election.

It is especially worrying when in the US everyone can own a gun to defend their people and the nation from within but are not utilising those guns for that purpose (callous selfishness, willful ignorance, nihilism, lack of genuine spiritual understanding and even accepting psy-op Rabbi Jesus with a nice topping of fluoride and SSRI psych pills result in mental death, which will lead to physical death of themselves by their own refusal to act, but to be fair, people through no real fault of their own now are so badly mentally damaged and disabled by fluoride and mercury that their heads are shot away and they cannot link up to their higher mental faculties very easily at all, the obvious does not seem obvious or even a possibility to them now, as the greater child-like mass of them are clearly submitting like sheep being lined up to board a truck to the abattoir with forced conscription looming and this is the same in the UK and elsewhere so that the death cult Jews can have their slaughterfest getting all the white kids dressed up in funeral suits to slaughter each other in a totally avoidable meat-grinder conflict so they can be rid of The Second Rome Amalek, which their battle plan scriptures tell them must be completely destroyed before they can have their world rule of Jews for Jews alone, so ‘naturally’ Jews are working only to get all the peoples of the white Gentile nations to slaughter each other, and the infiltrated enemy agent politicians are merely making more laws against ‘antisemitism’ to make sure no possible mass action can occur to oppose their plans.

I hope the bastards have badly miscalculated and that the white people and other peoples who are all targeted similarly for total extermination at some point in time do actually manage to wake up sufficiently in time and rise up physically and stop the Jews from exterminating all Gentiles as rabbis openly reveal they actually plan to do.

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Terrible of me to merely note your comment is fantastic; however, my eyes are closing Brudder! Respond properly, tomorrow!!🙌

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Jun 24Liked by Anti Communist

Go on to your metaphorical ascension like George Washington in Masonic lore. We who are left stuck in Mudville won't forget your great exploits for the race.


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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Anti Communist

All the best to you and your family 🌞... I will definitely miss your posts, and comments.

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Jun 24Liked by Anti Communist

God Bless and Godspeed, brother. Will miss your writings and the inspiration they gave me…🙏🏻👌🏻

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Jun 24Liked by Anti Communist

All the best!

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Hail victory, bruddir.

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Keep in touch, bro!🙏🙏🙏🕉 Om Swastyastu!!!

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Jun 24Liked by Anti Communist

Best of luck to you in whatever comes in life. HH \o

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