Jun 22Liked by Anti Communist

The only reason I stay married is because it’s better for my kids. I really do despise women, they are wicked creatures, an ulterior motive in human form.

I’m not some gaylord, I like the bobs and vagena. But beyond that I really don’t enjoy the company of women. Women are good for reproduction and that’s it. There are plenty of studies showing how poorly children perform who grow up absent a father - literally every possible metric is worse. Yet children who are raised without a mother in the home do just fine. Once Elon perfects the female sex robots a lot of women are going to be in trouble.

So, good on you AC for hoarding all of the women. You’re keeping more men from living in misery. You clearly have the patience of a saint.

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I actually quite agree with you! So, does Christine, who must be a male soul, trapped in a beautiful woman's body! Tereza too, has begun to really dislike what she simply calls, "stupid and selfish women who treat men poorly." Are they just acting, so that I think they agree with our male perspectives on relationships? Certain some of that female artifice is a feature, not a bug, in all of them.

One of the problems is the feminine first, jew inspired, family court/divorce court racket. Christine was really clear with me through the years, "there are only a few reasons I will divorce you, and boredom is not one of them." Women, are easily bored. Unlike men, they lack the rich tapestry of ideas, and constant problem solving that can keep me interested for weeks, if the problem is worth solving. I guess, I have low expectations, which helps. Some men expect their wife to be their Mom.

They also have some unique skills, and I think back to the first few weeks of my relationship with Christine. We drove from Palm Beach, Florida to Naples, Florida on the West Coast. We were going to visit some fucking bird sanctuary, that made her wetter than I did! Ding Darling? We drove on a shit road called "Alligator Alley" and my fancy new, Italian car did not like the road and potholes. But, on an old fashioned map (1989?) she had mapped out spots to see, kingfishers. A bird, she called in Swedish, a "swqappy head." They looked like Elvis Presley, came in blue and green, mated for life, and were fucking gorgeous. When we went to the East Coast to visit her folks house in New Jersey, we looked for pilliated woodpeckers. She knew every flower, plant, bird, and my reward for taking her to these places, searching for rare creatures, was more than sex. She showed me a part of Nature I did not know existed. At all. Back then, I lifted, fucked, dreamed of war, read classics, and generally was missing an entire side of my soul. We still talk about it. She wasn't spiritual per se, just, attuned to different frequencies. Higher order, I fear, than I was.

I got REALLY lucky. With Tereza as well. Tereza is from a bit more money, but Christine was more high society. I learned much from her. My family may have had more money than either of theirs, but we lived very plainly (except for Dad's audio equipment!).

The happy couples I see, fight anyway, get it out of the way, laugh, and move on. The quiet couples, they divorce. But, yeah, women and kids are a royal burden, and a pain in the ass. They give us our highest highs, and lowest lows. I prefer that sine wave to flat-lining with my buddies.

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