Jun 19Liked by Anti Communist

Agreed, Soldier! The more, the better. Stealing my Hana, you bastard!! lol Does she have a sister? :-) ...You're gonna play hell in that cat-fight (!)... That book, I've not heard of, but it looks like a great one to have on my book shelf. I have many of the most *very* important ones already. *Which Way Western Man* (you said that the other day, in one of your posts) ,amongst many others. 1943 edition of Mein Kampf, a treasure to me. Grand Dottir keeping us very busy, have a great day, Commander (and good luck!). 14/88 \0

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Great reading list, and danke for reminding me about "Might is Right" from Redbeard! I need to go back to that one, think I read it as a young boy!

Hana is flawless! I had not done a class with her in a long time, and my yoga got rusty the past two weeks. She was just ahead of me, to my left. She now gets the spot just in front of the teacher, which means she has really become confident in her practice. I nearly fell in a side crow pose, because I was straining my neck to look over at her, and she caught me in the side mirrors! Hahahaha! When a woman knows she has you, all hope is lost! Tereza will slice it off if I touch her, strangely, Christine is encouraging, "best to have children when young!" I never in a billion years thought my jealous Swede would give me the pick of the litter! She does have a very close friend, who while pretty and cute, is not Hana! I think she only has brothers! She once told me, but I forgot.

The yoga class demographic is changing, more and more Western Ex-Pat women. That is generally not a good thing, they tend to be older. I need to get back to power lifting, the wives are keeping me drained, even Hana is not all that interesting! Tereza is about 4 months preggo, so she should be slowing down soon!

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