May 20Liked by Anti Communist

Take care of yourself and God bless and protect you and your family.

I'll see you at the battle for evermore.

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Absolutely Brudder! Thank you! I want to go out swinging, and helping our Volk. I just can't see our Race going out with a whimper! \o

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Not my best post. I need both sleep and real exercise! I suppose social media is designed to breed some despair, and none of us are immune.

Walking around Prague at night, getting in some steps at least! They have a great train system, and some very unique neighborhoods. Just asked a British couple what was the name of the district I am in, and they said Malá Strana? Amazing bridges, castles, architecture. Young couples holding hands. Well done Bohemians!

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May 20Liked by Anti Communist

The old part of Prague is truly incredible.

I’d recommend going to Český Krumlov if you have time-about a 2 hour drive from Prague.

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I mentioned this to Tereza, we will be in court most of today, but might be able to go tomorrow. Time to crash, I need some sleep before listening to lawyers again tomorro! Thanks for the tip! \o

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deletedMay 20Liked by Anti Communist
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Danke Brudder. None of us alone are anything, unified we are going to shake the world! Hail Victory, and thank you for the great message. Another good man just DM’ed me, told me he is excited to be around his granddaughter soon, and then I realized, I miss the little 4 year old boy we all take care of back in Bulgaria. And, these disgusting little jews, do nothing but tear down decent people. I need to get home! \o

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May 20Liked by Anti Communist

You’re gonna have to cease the regret and guilt. Woman make the choice, and once she decided to have you’re baby, divorce from the weakling was inevitable. Hail Victory!

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Aye. Her Mom made a few nasty comments in my direction, and not wanting to put Tereza in a position of picking me or her Mom, I just bit my lip. I also, hate lawyers!

But, greatly appreciate your inputs. You are right. I did not rape her, she raped me! :-)

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May 20Liked by Anti Communist


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