Unfortunately, as much as I like your anti-jew posts, and having two wives, etc, I think you have jumped the shark. Taking your adopted kid to a nude beach to teach him to swim...dumbass. take the boy to a pool and build up slowly, because the ocean is not the pool, and the ocean has no forgiveness. (but remember, I speak from the uttermost ends of the earth, where the sea is cold and murky and easily fatal)

As for the other comments, they are unbecoming of a gentleman, if you are real. A real paragon of the white races would not be so childishly dismissive of others , nor so immodest, nor so exposing of new acquaintances. With such qualities, who would follow you into battle?


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As far as learning to swim, it is good to experience fear, danger and difficulty in a challenge. I grew up very differently than you, and grateful I did.

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I hear what you're saying, but Being thrown into a freezing cold pool at 7yo to nearly drown from cramps is no way to "learn" to swim.[my experience] I'm so glad you feel so superior but, You would not survive in the mountains the way I would. Yes, you probably didn't grow up the way I did, and I am likewise glad you did not. We were so poor I aspired to be white trash. There is no object brought to me that I cannot repair. I can live in the mountains for 40 days and feel nothing save what I need to.

If you knew who awful my childhood was you might cry.

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I respect ability, in all men. So, did my Father, who like me, was raised with all the advantages. Still, he listened and became friends with anyone he respected, and did not care about their means.

Can't change your childhood, or the toss in the cold pool. And, as I love mountains, and struggled to survive above treeline in Colorado for two weeks, those are great skills. Not diminishing you, and if I feel any superiority, it is over fat, weak, White men, who have given up any self-help or self-care.

I grew up wealthy, and became wealthier. Both were pure luck. I do not attribute it to superiority, but a lot of it was discipline, and hard work. I have never overflowed an ashtray, never had a cigarette to my lips. I took what I was given, and improved it.

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Aye, I am no paragon of National Socialism, and I have fallen. I share these weaknesses, with purpose, and you see them. \o

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You haven't "fallen". You are simply not demonstrating the highest values . Not of National Socialism, which is irrelevant in this time, but of a wider, deeper continental European vibe. this is not moralizing about number of wives or any other trivial shit; I'm talking about Silent Leadership.

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I do not disagree. It is why I keep self-purging some of the truly unhelpful, sexual content. Every Man has peaks and valleys in his life. When I was at the top of my moral game, even just a year ago, I felt despair.

While I have benefited from great white men whom I derived the Silent Leadership skills from, that was failing in 2023, and same in 2024. Silence is not golden.

Never claimed to be a leader of a movement. My true purpose, is awakening the murderous and righteous spirit and anger in our men. Indiscriminately sport fucking, reading, or marching. Whatever works. I feel this is a time of great peril for the White Race, that we have been civilized in to posterity.

No doubt, everyone who reads me, cheers me, or hates me, has something in their lives they would prefer to change. I just, share a bit more publicly. Not trying to rationalize anything me and the harem have been doing. For me, and for both girls, it is working. Could blow to pieces, no one should tinker with 4000 years of marital laws.

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So, the two blonds Struck Out at the nude beach yesterday! They are humbled! Tereza went over to say hi to the couple, while I was with Christine and Little Man trying to teach him to swim (holy crap, it ain't easy!). We came back to the blankets, she was looking all ticked off. "What happened Angel?" "I went to talk to the couple, the girl took one look at me, got upset, and pretty much ignored me! And her BF, has a little, winkydink! Why even bother?" ahh, life with Blonds in Heat!

But on a good note, we came back to the building around 5, after getting some organic groceries. Christine has made a friend in the building, very nice Bulgarian lady, mid 40's? She has noticed all of our stuff has the EU organic label, she has begun to have some medical issues, and Christine has been inviting her to come up to our place with her husband, and see what keeps me, Christine and Tereza doctor free. Tonight, she did!

Her and the husband (nice guy, super quiet!) speak at least 5 languages each, not the same either, but both speak a modicum of English. Most of the conversations were in Russian or Bulgarian, both Christine and Tereza are pretty conversant in both, and mostly I just nod my head! The lady has a 24 year old daughter, who went to "a fancy university in Spain." Her daughter lives in Spain now, has a "great job" and no desire to marry or have children. A pretty innocuous convo with Normies, but Christine rained Hellfire on the Mom! "Tell her to quit, come live with you, and we will have her married and pregnant in 3 months!" Again, to us, or even most of you reading, this is logical! Why waste a pretty, White womb, earning slave wages for whatever kikes run most corporations in Spain!? The woman; however, did not seem pleased to hear words like, "quit, marry, motherhood."

I called Christine to the kitchen, told her to chill out. She GRABBED me! Strong, wiry arms! "This woman needs a spine! Her daughter is going to become a cat lady, I saw a pic of her, pretty girl. Let me handle this, my way!" I liked it, Blondy was on a mission!

Go back to the living room, Tereza is bored out of her mind, the little boy is telling them about all the "naked people" he saw today, and the lady's husband looked like he was trying to escape from prison! He kept looking at his watch! The lady said twice to Christine, "let's go food shopping sometime soon."

Tereza, sensing a disaster, and a horrible mix of humans, came to life! "AC wanted me to have strong children, so he helped me divorce my husband, after he got me pregnant!" You could have cut the space/time continuum with a knife! I think the woman knew, but not the Husband. He stood, up, held his hand out to his wife, "time to go!"

Party poopers! Womb wasters! Sublimation Errors on our part! Normies must be awoken a few steps at a time! They left (ran away!), Christine shut the door, Tereza burst out laughing! "He hasn't fucked her in 10 years I bet!" Alas, Little Man, being 4 years old, immediately said, "My Dad fucks you every day!" At least, we will not need to have the dreaded, "where do babies come from convo with him!" Aunt Christine quickly told him, "that's not a nice word in English." And he schooled her, "but my Mom said it first." 2:30 AM, Bonne Nuit SubStackians! May you have many fertile wombs to explore! \o

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deletedJul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Anti Communist
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No, to all of them. I use the Lev, and private coins. I left the kiked out West. My current role, is less a soldier, and more one of increasing the size of our future White Army.

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deletedJul 28Liked by Anti Communist
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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Author

AZOV, founded by Kolmoisky, billionaure kike oligarch! They never have been anti-jew. Yes, this is a flare up region! Argentina is nice, especially the wine region (Mendoza?) towards Chile. My wife was surprised at how many blue eyes we saw there! Best of luck Brother. jew World is collapsing, either by design, or more likely, the hubristic cunts overshot and pushed too fast. \o

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Jul 28Liked by Anti Communist

I fuckin hope so dude

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Our survival is FAR from a certainty, the White Race has been crippled. Still a few pockets of resistance, but as the once large White Nations fall, what can Ireland, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania do against NATO?

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