Hilarious! Racist, homophobic, misogynistic and antisemitic white supremacists are the as funny as the Einsatzgruppen in WW2, cracking jokes while executing children!

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You’re an absolute moron 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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"Henry Kissinger served in the U.S. Army from 1943 to 1946"

Very few are able to recognize the status of the "military"!

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Being able to kill billions turns on Hollywood starlets!

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Tereza was trying to get ready for dinner, putting on her make up in the master bathroom. Little white bathrobe, that exposed my favorite things as she leaned forward. Came up behind her, as a fully not ready Christine, ran behind us, carrying her daughter! Christine, like most Scandinavian women, does an absolutely fabulous finger wave, meaning NO, when I am about to do something. She could see I was at full staff, and Tereza was going to be "slowed down!"

I kissed her neck. "mmmmm, stop, I have to get ready!" I rubbed her belly, under the bathrobe. "You can't possibly want more?" I lifted the bathrobe, without using any hands! Some work to claim the prize, but I did.

"Damn it, that feels good." She dropped her eyeliner, put her forearms down, and my wife stood, hovering over us, holding her 1 year old, shaking her head at me!

Christine whispered something to Tereza. She lurched forward, left me dangling in the breeze! "Sorry AC, Christine is hungry! Tonight, for sure! When the kids are asleep." She turned around, kissed me on the cheek. Christine walked away, I lifted the bathrobe, with my hands this time, untied it, and went right back to "helping her put on her makeup!"

It must be the feta cheese omelettes! Or, the fact that we will see Odessa getting nuked from our Black Sea perch! I have begun to discuss nuclear fallout patterns with some of the smart guys in the building. One is from Italy. Really nice guy, an actual rocket scientist.

"AC, it depends on the payload. I gave you a dosimeter, I suggest you use it if they hit Ukraine."

I was thinking about the mushroom cloud, as I stared down at the most perfect heart shaped ass on the continent. And I grabbed her hips, and collapsed on her back.

"Happy now you dirty boy?" "No, when you finish, Christine is next." "Unlike me, she doesn't give mercy fucks!"

Whamen. I like them. Out for a while, have a great weekend, my friends. \o

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Jun 29Liked by Anti Communist

Look at the forehead slope on that shitbag Kissinger! No frontal lobes.

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He used to date the most beautiful, White women in the world. I remember my Father, commenting on it too. How does a fucker like this, show up in DC, and run the show? Woodrow Wilson had Col. House, FDR had the exposed Communist, Harry Hopkins, Nixon and others had Kissinger. Carter had Brezhinski. Drumpf had Kushner. I do have my moments where I wish I was just a filthy Normie. But then my wife slaps me, and threatens a pussy strike. \o

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Jun 30Liked by Anti Communist

Surprisingly, in spite of the name and activity, it doesn’t appear that Brzezinski was Jewish.

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Wow, you are correct! I thought he was, spent many years being misinformed, appreciate the correction!

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