Thanks for the recognition bruder. It is appreciated!

Gott mit uns.

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We must copromote only our own, and a few very select indo/proto Aryan people. We will need their help to defeat the jew, and they need us. \o

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The Mongols, who still use the Swatiska, have a prophecy that Chengis Khan will be back as an Avatar and their Khanate will be restored. Greek Orthodox believe King Alexander will be back again as an Avatar.

Chengis (Gengis) was actually red haired and green eyed.

We are the Phoenix, Thunder Bird. When we are ashes we will rise again and there will be vengence!

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Hail victory, brother.

I like the reviews of other substackers. I think you could do that more often and have good things to say.

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Brother Aidan, I will confess a weakness! I have completely lost my Aryan attention to detail! Had it most of my life; however, I read these great Stacks by others, and less than a minute from completion, I have a gauzy sense of the article, but just not the details.

But, good advice, and I shall try. I see a shift towards our side, on the SubStackian White Race, Doppler Shift Scale! My favorite writer, Donald Jeffries, avoided mentions of jews and race when I first read him, but 3 years on, he is one of us. Those are victories.


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Some of us, like yourself, are the hoorah'ing doomsdaying chads who show the way - but there are lots of /ourguys/ who try to be more polite and political than us. These guys planted seeds which we then hammer into the psyche. The pipeline grows.

We both know the pipeline will be shit if not directed and controlled though. I think there needs to be a new model designed for the rightwing. We work at cross-purposes. We are not united. Many are trapped online. This has to end. If only people followed the parsoc and the cell-network ideas laid down by Pierce and the Order. Eventually, we have to break away. Men must realize this. The jew wont let go of us unless we chop his rat hands off.

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Perfectly stated, complete agreement. This sounds like a cop out, but I never really got good at any of the on-line activism, because I always knew IRL was de riguer.

Controversial guy is Handsome Truth, Goyimtv and GTVflyers.com. He is good at both. His background is dubious, and some point fingers at him. But I never Punch White. If you are going HARD on the actual people causing our demise, the odds of being on their team, are rather low.

Now, about chopping off those rat fucker hands! I like that! Without hands, a jew can not fondle shekels or our small children! A great punishment!

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Ok, do your people not know about it? Is that why they don’t use it?

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It's a pain in the ass to use! People will say end-to-end encrypted Telegram or Signal is good enough. Four years ago, I might have said the same thing. I honestly believe for some of us, ANYTHING we do that traverses Internet NAPs and Cisco routers is stored, and analyzed. What a sad, boring job that must be. I often wonder if the Unit 8200, NSA spooks reading us, eventually realize, "these "Racists" are right!" \o

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Back in the dot com bubble I worked with a Cisco guy. I was building a php system that you managed a radio station over the internet. The joy of those early days when I figured out how to turn on the music on at home before I left work.

I was the only one that could work with this supra genius Cisco guy. Anti-social is an underatatement although it was not aggressive or offensive. When you can program those old Cisco routers by memory in the old Cisco shite language: you are past being fit for society. It cannot grasp your elite level.

At the time I was self-teaching myself C and Perl. Hence why we got along; we loved the abatract more than real life.

So, yes I agree totally with Anti Communist. It is all broken and what they call 'secure' means it is secure from the average genius and lower. They have their supra geniuses in bunkers provided with the only thing they care about: a computer and a problem.

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IOS, the Cisco version, was a labyrinth! I bought a Cisco CSU/DSU in 1996, thinking I could just use it on. T1 line. Big mistake! Good for you learning languages. I kind of stopped at moderately decent geek level!!

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Ok, there’s no agreement on a single standard means of communication. I can see how that would be a real problem.

As for Unit 8200, I’d like to think that every once in a while, one of them has a nervous breakdown reading what we say about them for hours on end.

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Iam sure it is so. My wiki went from being censored and prodded, not breached visibly, to being not censored and left alone.

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It’s inevitable that your factions will unite brother. If for no other reason then you won’t have a choice. The Jews will crack down harder and harder in Europe as their system crumbles.

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Brother, there may well be better means to communicate, I just am unaware. I do know of great, local communication methods, best not put here and compromise them though. Had a friend YEARS ago, who was a huge fan of the "Dark Web," using TOR/Onion to "Beat the Feds." Fucking FBI made hundreds of arrests, including the founder of the trading platform, where I guess you could buy just about anything! Not sure it was a honey pot, but I figured any "marketplace" offering a host of illegal things, was going to get popped! Feds across the world are still busting people there, who think they are anonymous.



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I am understand brother. The fewer people who know your methods outside your community the better.

I hope equally good communication methods can be developed for international communication in the near future.

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How nice it would be, to have our various factions united, and triumphant. We invite a CRUSHED NATO to their version of the Versailles Treaty. Israel is a smoking hole, but we do so in such fashion your birth Nation and others in the Levant are spared.

NATO will pay reparations. Sub-Saharan Africa will return to their eternal cycles of over-breeding resources, and many dying. The World Demographics will become more favorable to people with rich histories, and a thirst for peace, and ethno-states.

And, I want only one other thing, a new medal! I call it the “Kike Cross,” granted only to those, who, choked out a Rothschild! \o

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I’m glad your son is learning to exercise his mind at a young age. I wanted to share a thought with you. In one of our previous conversations, you told me about Monero Coin and how it was almost Jew proof as far as their ability to observe and track transactions. You also told me that your people across Europe have trouble communicating with each other.

Since you worked in Silicon Valley, you would know more than me on this subject, but could the same blockchain technology used for secure transactions be used for secure communications so your people can communicate with each other more easily? Just a thought. I would like your opinion brother.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Author

Absolutely, and such apps exist already. https://getsession.org/lightpaper/pdf


My tech friends can use Session. My non-tech friends? Hahaha! Not so much!

When I had daily discussions with a good friend, well known to most in my circles, about what we would stream, and how to enhance his now incredible home streaming studio, we used Session. It's really not that hard. Is it impregnable? Nothing is. Even some of those dark, dirty, Bulgarian bunkers, might just have devices in them. Still, it is cool to hang out in them, and just have a nice physical discussion with friends! \o

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Good essay. Keep fighting the good fight, my White brother! o/

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Greatly appreciate the encouragement. We all do our part, and by far the most important aspect of these sorts of tiny tributaries on a bleak Internet Promontory is to let us all know, we are most certainly, not alone. I want to win. The White Race is in peril. We fight, with whatever we have. \o

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