Jun 29Liked by Anti Communist

Just met a young man of German descent here in Alaska on vacation. Maybe 25 26 and about to be a dad. We had a great talk about history until I said the holocaust was a Jewish psy-op and he needed to study Irving and Tobin. That was the end of our discussion he had to go. What an incredible brainwash job the tribe has done on us!

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Brother, there are no German MEN left. It must be fixed. I worry more when I am in Germany, that I will be detained, and led in to some dark prison, than any other nation on the planet.

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Jun 28Liked by Anti Communist

I often think of myself on the battle field too. It puts a smile on my face.

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I just wrote up a big and pretty important post. I went to "replies", came back, it was f-ing GONE!! DAMNIT!...Yes, Commander, I'm getting my page up, soon as I viably can... Substack has some weird shit to it, really only "social media" I do, but whatever. LFG, yes, I know ! Aye und aye, Commander. Glad to see you back (knew you would...a surviving LRRP is only about 50%).

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Jun 27Liked by Anti Communist

Am Pie is definitely a prophetic song about what has happened in/to our country. And few white ppl have fought back over these decades. But there have been some. Who remembers the heroic of the 50’s and 60’s… “Nazi” Jew hater -

George (Lincoln) Rockwell?

The Aussie who told a lot about Talpiot etc was Brendon McConnell.

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/x2zh9rTLgYnQ/ Yes, I just responded to you! And George Lincoln Rockwell was a Man's Man. My Father admired him.

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Jun 27Liked by Anti Communist

And thx for that link too. I cannot remember where, how I heard of him in my education process.

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Early stages for me as well. Thanks for jogging the dimmer recesses of my old brain! I liked the guy. Think he came up when I was researching “targeted individuals.” LONG ago. I knew the teams existed to do it, but even back then had a vague enough sense that someone on some social media, was “harvesting” info from me. Back then (2008?) on Twitter and FB, I used my real name! There are hundreds of millions like us. While they likely could just murder us all, I think they enjoy toying with the plebes. Cats make that mistake too, often with dire consequences.

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Jun 27Liked by Anti Communist

We don’t have decades AC - IMHO. And I don’t think the battle field is as you may be picturing it, not right now anyway, but down the road it may be those dissidents who can survive the next few decades and eek out a way to live totally separate from the system ‘they’ are trying to put in place now and may succeed at doing. I don’t think it will be at all unlike the story in the first Matrix movie, except maybe not with one leader bc the dissident survivors will be spread around the planet and probably not only our race. The stories in many TV/internet/Hollywood movies of past show us how they picture it with Robots and AI dominating over the real humans left (think of the terminator movies and all the others which I can’t think of names of now). It may well come down to this by 40 or 50 yrs from now.

Concerning Talpiot etc. I first heard of that from an Aussie guy Brendon something who was doing a lot of exposing and getting real beat up too for his efforts by the enemy. Not sure where to find him now. Maybe you know who I’m speaking of.

American Pie was one of my favs back in the day. Heard it many times; never too many.

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Brendon O'Connell. I always assumed we would all be persecuted as he was. Other than one FBI visit (at work!) to intimidate me, and a few weird stops in Germany, I'm not considered a threat I guess. That pisses me off! :-)

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Right! Well your time hasn’t come yet while they are frying other fish.

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Jun 27Liked by Anti Communist

I remembered now but thank you for that link.

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I do know the Brendon character, and I followed (with horror) the tribulations they exposed him to. I think he resurfaced a few years ago on a Thomas Sewell (with an “e”) podcast, Mr. Sewell being my choice for the most powerful White Nationalist on the globe.

Hard to prophesier the future, especially given our kind has supremely limited access to both modern power, and the arcana of those who rule.

I will try to find the Brendon guy, must be something of his on BitChute.

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Jun 27Liked by Anti Communist

To this day I know every syllable of the McLean song. I have actually performed it at a Karaoke bar and had the entire bar singing with me. Even the young ones.

Glad you wrote.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

My Father told me quite a bit about arguments over the song's title, crafting and perfecting the references. it is very much an anti-Semitic song, by design. Those were Gladio Days, and "Fists of Rage" and "Day the Music Died" have deeper meanings, to certain people. People within the operational elements of OSS/CIA, had very noble instincts, but cunts like Angleton had different (jewish) agendas. It was a tough time to be a decent American, in that Stygian machine. It took out two Men I loved dearly.

McLean was later kompromat/compromised in Brownstone Ops. He is a "kike lover" today. These people have long memories.

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Perhaps I misunderstand. Did your dad actually have something to do with recording that song?

I've never heard of a jew named Jesus before.


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My Father had much to do with the changing of the musical guard in the 1960's, and was one of a few who curated and cultivated talent. This DoD group, had factions back then. Most, wanted a degenerate, free love, hippie culture. Some, opposed that. Guys like my Father, were not long for that agency.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Anti Communist

I missed ya, bro! 🙏🙏🙏🤍🙌🫡👍Blessings

My simple, effective morning Gypsy Curse of Death by imogi to the "Synangogue of satan" 🖕🫵🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱💩


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"Old soldiers, never die!" Danke, realized only faggots take their football home, and piss on the remaining players. But, I do burn for a real war. I can taste it. 6M burning will be just an appetizer. \o

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Jun 27Liked by Anti Communist

Yes, we have mass. And intellect. But, above all, and that's why our eternal and mortal enemy hates our guts deeply, is our CREATIVE FORCE. Creativity is what truly discerns our people from all the others and is the main reason why white men are responsible for 97% (I haven't checked the precise numbers) of all inventions. Creativity translates to connection to the divine, which is the only reason why we can be creative. (Hint: it's in our blood, bozos. But you know that already, since 5000 years!)

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Jun 27Liked by Anti Communist

I agree with you, our creativity and it’s a connection to divine. But I wouldn’t go so far as to say no others have that connection tho as there are some blacks and native peoples who have demonstrated some wisdom which is ‘beyond’ (not ‘them’ however - they are fakers), tho it hasn’t taken them to creativity or our level due to lack of other elements.

Concerning creativity there is a church for whites only called the Church of Creativity, I forget the founders name but Matt Hale was/is a Rev. in it and promoter of those ideas. Perhaps you know of it.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

Absolutely, so well said Dr. T! Our Asian brothers can refine our ideas, but they remain, spawns of White Creation and ability. I love our people, our history, our creativity and our Will. And while it has taken heavy beatings the past 150 years, here we are. \o

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I've actually been kinda curious as to how much of your sound equipment made the journey with you? Is Bulgaria 220 v 50 hz? Which would mean, none? Plus, I know that shit is big, and not ideal for international travel. Did you gear back up over there? Or not yet?

I just know that it's extremely hard for us audiophiles to let go of great equipment, and also, to settle for lesser systems.

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Nothing did! I gave away some very nice Sonus Faber speakers, and all of our neighbors were gifted with something that doesn't travel well! I had already downsized audio crap in Summerlin anyway, Christine was a rare woman who loved great audio, but faced with a smaller place, and the desire to control it all from tablets, we had different systems in different rooms, but nothing like the great gear we bought when we married. In Varna, in our little box, my joy comes from Stax headphones, driven by Stax amps, RME DACs, and mostly fed by high bit rate audiophile local files, or the great French streaming service, QoBuz, I do really miss having a dedicated audio room, and I think what we built for our short times in Austin and PonteVedra Beach, were even better than what Dad had. For a lot less money. At some point, "chasing better sound" got exponentially more expensive, complex and frustrating (ever carry a 300 pound Krell amp back to a store?). Fuckers have sharp heat sinks!

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